Sebastiaan Cator
This Guy
A simulated still life using realtime cryptocurrency data to give financial investment a physical presence
This Guy' uses realistic CGI (today's modern day still life) to give the often obscure Cryptocurrency market a physical presence. Sitting as if for a painter to sketch while contemplating the zeitgeist, 'This Guy' expresses discontent with himself and his environment. Surrounded by a picturesque beach and depicting the 'easy life of white male privilege', the stones floating above his head respond to the Crypto market's real time data. This expresses a world which can economically raise above or crumble below, causing the anxiety of existing in our current age.
Sebastiaan Edward Cator aka Quarck (*1992) Sebastiaan Edward Cator holds a Bachelor's degree in Game Design from the Zurich University of the Arts, is doing a Master's degree in Computational Arts at Goldsmiths University of London and works as a freelancer in the field of digital content creation and interactive media. The works published under the alias Quarck deal with sociological themes and the interaction between reality and digitality, the search for new interweavings of different topics such as the creation of digital worlds and interactions relevant to everyday life. The artistic exploration and endeavour, the fascination for the incomprehensible, the discovery of new production and interaction possibilities drive him. Quarck moves freely in terms of media, but design and creation on the computer remain the most important elements for him.