plastic items

Lina Deng

Jiafei's Factory

Interactive gaming installation

My work is a gaming experience made using Unity based on �Jiafei’s Hauntification’ – a VR project I undertook envisioning a fictional nightmare experienced by a conceived factory worker. The surreal simulated warehouse factory, as the site of racialised proletariat trauma, is haunted by the ghost Jiafei (taken from TikTok meme Jiafei) - a cyborg figurehead for cheap consumer goods.

person with red hair wearing red clothing

Lina Deng is a British-Chinese multimedia artist based in London. Her interests include the politics of virality and circulation in the digital realm, sardonic interrogations into internet subcultures and the esoteric whilst taking an often experimental and interdisciplinary approach to her work. She has an undergraduate degree in History of Art from UCL and has collaborated with BIPOC collective Close Isn’t Home for @digitalartistresidency as well as exhibited in group shows for @fetchish_net, Solo Show and AAIFF.

3d gaming woman's head
St. James Hatcham Building
25 St James's Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross London SE14 6AD
1st - 4th September 2022