pink fish-like face flatten out;

Di Chen

ever since i lost my addon, i saw her everywhere

a fictional documentary

"ever since i lost my addon, i saw her everywhere" is a fictional documentary following the inhabitants of its corresponding fictional world in southeast China's coastal area, where a biotech-enabled semi-legal company operates as a increasingly dominant social system.

picture of Di Chen's school ID card with an avocado on top of it

Di Chen is an artist based in London. Her work operates as collective living systems of agents through sculptures, videos, sound, digital game-inspired interfaces and semi-generative fictional writings. She holds a BFA in Fine Arts from Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and an MFA in Fine Arts from Goldsmiths, University of London. Her latest project utilises and transfers animism, machine learning, and performances among networks of more-than-human actors, exploring how the bodies of agency are (and could be) scripted, simulated, and generated as living forms, which might interrupt or confront globalised and industrialised metronormative literacy through alternative communication and production infrastructures.

a tv screen on the wall, a metal tray and white tiles with a pile of eat and a pair of gloves on them;
St. James Hatcham Building
25 St James's Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross London SE14 6AD
1st - 4th September 2022