Amber Hall
Concrete Constellations
A telescope installation for a modern-day poet gazer.
Viewers are invited to peer through a telescope and observe dynamic typography as it floats across the 'sky' to create new textual constellations. These constellations, serve as found poetry as they are generated using JSON data from a Word Associations API. As a whole, Concrete Constellations pays tribute to Eugen Gomringer's 1954 Manifesto,'From Line to Constellation', in both the poem's form as well as it's delivery.

Amber is a Turks & Caicos Islander with a Fine Arts background. Her work centres around the ways technology extends our perceptions of ourselves and invites viewers to question their own cognitive processes in order to find hidden links between the work and their lives. Her main interest is in creating platforms for public participation where the physical involvement of the viewer changes the visual identity of the piece. Most recently, her work has moved away from bio-data visualisation towards text-based art, both in its generative and sculptural forms by sourcing data from APIs instead of sensors.