The Computational Arts MA/MFA Degree Show

How can divergent and alien sub-systems be assembled into coherent structures? This theme tackles the heterogeneity of work within the show head-on (treating them like linked organs forming an organism). It traces the patterns in the way digital worlds emerge from disparate functions and classes, the way diverse programs can be connected into elegant pipelines, the way machine components and sculptural elements can coherently terraform a space, the way user and computer can be linked into a high-functioning cyborg.

Zooming out, it addresses how the cohort’s varied practices are synthesised to produce the show. Possible References: Lialina on digital worlds produced by discordant users, Haraway on cyborgs and symbiotic systems, D&G ATP and Anti-Oedipus for machine systems + rhizomatics, Prigogine + Stengers on order out of chaos

Opening Hours

1st - 4th September 2022

1st Thu (Opening Night) 6 pm - 9.30 pm

2nd Fri - 3rd Sat 11 am - 8 pm

4th Sun 11 am - 6 pm